Timberline Pastoral co.
July 2020 2.jpg

Rams for sale

We use ram lambs at 7 to 8 months of age in our annual breeding program. Pictured: Clancy (10 months old) after joining

Click to view historical SheepMaster ram sales

- Auctions plus Nov 2020

- Auctions plus Nov 2021

- Auctions Plus Nov 2022




SheepMaster/Nudie Cross Rams (yellow tag 6 left) - $200 each

  • Pure SheepMaster Rams (red tag 6 left) - $300 each

  • Pure Cashmore Park Nudie Ram (1) - ASBV CS0001-2019-196624 (pic 4 & 6) $200

  • Haldane White Rams - (blue tag 22 left) $400 each

Health treatments:

  • Fully vaccinated

  • Recorded drenching and egg counts

  • Full medical history available

Ewes for sale

All ewes have been sold.


The focus of breeding is on feet, bone structure, confirmation, constitution, fertility and self reliance - an animal to meet the harsh Australian conditions that is fast growing and performance based by using LAMBPLAN and ASBV’s (Australian Sheep Breeding Values) which are an estimate of an animal’s true breeding value based on pedigree and performance recorded information.

AUTHENTICITY and traceability

Every animal is tagged through the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS), which will enable livestock to be identified and tracked from their property of birth to slaughter. This protects the reputation of Australia’s livestock industry as a supplier of 'clean' meat, providing a competitive advantage in domestic and export markets.

Sales Policy

The attention to detail, trust, service and ethics is the cornerstone of Timberline Pastoral Co. All animals are sold on this basis and if the client is not satisfied, then the animal is replaced. We do not trim feet and we feed our sheep only on grass, which protects the fertility and longevity of the animals. As the majority of our animals are born in April/May, we will sell them at 6 to 7 months of age in November/December each year. This gives the vendor an extra year of breeding use from each ram purchased.

I’ve been using SheepMaster genetics for the past 18 months and has achieved strong growth rates, with the first drop of first-cross lambs reaching 24 kilograms carcase weight at 16 weeks. That was more than a kilogram heavier than our Suffolk-cross lambs at the same age.
— Mike O'Hare NSW Farmer of the year 2017, Greendale, Beckom


Satisfaction guaranteed with composite breeds:
Haldane Whites, Nudies & SheepMaster

Cashmore Nudie sires joined with Sheepmaster ewes is a perfect match as it combines the hardiness of the shedding ewe breed with the excellent carriage and data sitting with the Cashmore Nudie Sire and breed. Today’s market requires accurate data on a range of Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs), which the Nudies and Haldane Whites are well documented.


Nudies are bred to adapt to southern conditions where they must tolerate cold, wet and muddy conditions with internal parasites pressures. Historically shedding breeds come from warm dry climates and are run at light stocking rates on low quality pastures. At Cashmore Park they strive to increase the fertility of their ewes as this is a key driver in productivity and profitability in sheep flocks. As wool shedding sheep have only one income stream, lambs must excel in this area.

Haldane Whites are the product of Haldane Genetics who have been leading the way at the forefront of Australian sheep breeding and fertility for over 20 years via genomic breeding programs, with longevity and fertility the cornerstone of their objectives.

Through carefully selected genetics we offer an animal that is fast growing with a large frame, resistant to parasites, high fertility with early growth to maturity and good feet for walking long distances. Other benefits of the breed include quiet in nature, polled, easy to contain and full shedding coat.

The sheep are only grass fed in order to protect their fertility and longevity and are covered for life against Johne’s disease.

Most importantly, our sheep are suited to both wet and dry regions of Australia, are aseasonal, fully sheds its winter coat and does not require shearing, crutching, mulesing or external parasite control because it is lice resistant.

The hybrid vigor of this breed is perfect as a flock enhancer for large commercial farmers while the low maintenance traits would also be ideal for small hobby farmers.

We processed our first F1 wether with a live weight 57.5kg and a trimmed carcass weight of 30kg. Just over 52%. Our dorpers have always averaged about 45%.
— Judy Doyle of Montarna Station Mildura